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Principal's Desk


Dear Students,

Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha College of Pharmacy is one of the premier Pharmacy Colleges in the state of Maharashtra. The college is known for its academic excellence, quality staff and infrastructure. This institution has played a cascading role in the career and personality of enumerable students who have brought laurel to the College, State and Country alike we are continuously striving to develop the required soft skills and confidence through various programs to take on the challenges of 21st century. The KSSCOP was found in 2008 and is recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra, approved by the PCI and AICTE. It is affiliated to the SPPU, DBATU and MSBTE. College offers a well developed and modern program in Pharmacy education. We also have an industry integrated campus of our own which will definitely help in imparting practical knowledge to the students.

            At KSSCOP, I welcome you to this unique family and look forward to your valuable association with us for better tomorrow. Pharmacy education at KSSCOP will not only earn you a degree but will transform your personality and empowering you to lead a successful life.

"Good luck and wish you a year of purpose and fulfilment!"


Dr. Sandip S. Kshirsagar

M. Pharm., PhD. (Pharmaceutical Chemistry)




Team Work
Moral and Ethical
Mutual Trust
Dignity of Labour